So Norkina usually looks like this:
So you can see I had my work cut out for me!
Incidentally that's Jennie holding her up on the left!
Unfortunately as we were rather strapped for time it was somewhat difficult to take step by step pics as I went along so here's just a verbal breakdown of what happened:
1. Paint face, neck and ears white, ensuring it had a good solid base and was worked into the hairline a little.
2. Loading yellow onto the same sponge I went over Jennie's nose and a little across her cheeks and upper lip to create a "central glow" effect that had a large ambient blur into the White, turning it a little creamier and warmer.
3. Mixing green and red on the back of my hand to a warm, dark tan/mid brown colour to match the willow being used in the costume, I painted circles n a goggle fashion around the eyes and 'spiked' petals out equally and outlined a huge spiky set of lips going from ear to ear. I also framed her face outline and painted a divided isosceles triangle over the top of her nose in the same patterns as Norkina's.
4. Really disliked the eyes/lips line work, and after further criticism from Jennie's daughter I agreed and wiped the lines away.
5. Repaired the White/yellow inner and went back to make smaller but similar markings to the eyes and lips, but this time I gradually made the eye "petals" get smaller as they came under the eye and whilst the mouth was still outsized, the lines were much smaller than before.
6. Added highlights and shadow lines in black on the edges of some of the brown to give more depth to the "willow". A few touches of gold glitter gel on the brows, head, cheeks and chin to catch in the light finished the face off.
7. Finished painting the remaining skin visible on chest, neck and shoulders adding it thicker over the collar bone, bust and shoulder blades for a little more depth and worked a little into the hair around the face and voila, it's time for the fairy to go to the party!
This paint only really worked due to the nature of the costume but I think we were both pleased with the overall effect!
On retrospect I think I shouldn't have joined the nose triangle lines to the top of the 'mask' but that's how lanterns are constructed. It would have made for a prettier but less acurate look overall. I would also have spent the time fixing the lines on adding more to Jennie's chest and neck and. Added a little more yellow there too, to blur the difference between costume and paint ideally, but it was an excellent learning curve for me and I think it all works.
Such a fantastic and unique concept for the costume too!
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