Having googled how to do it, the night before I unwound a longish length from the crepe 'rope' and briefly submerged it in a bit of hot water, hung it over the bath taps and let it dry overnight. This worked perfectly to straighten it out for use the next evening.
Then having chopped size appropriate hits off (it really is like untangling fuzzy wool), I dabbed a bit of the Grimas Mastix Extra stuff on my chin and got to pressing it down a bit at a time. The glue dried quickly and a fair bit of crepe hair stuck to my fingers and brush. It's a little harsh and feels a bit like it should have a high alcohol content as my skin is warm/tingly underneath for a good 5 mins. Good thing I don't have sensitive skin eh? And the finished result:
Although my hair looks darker in the picture it's a really close match (and beards are often more auburn than head hair anyway). My face felt a little tight but I had the majority of facial movement fine.
The glue went a little shiny in the light but only from certain angles.
Throughout the night the moustache bit got thinner as pulling it out of my mouth to drink and the odd pawing by passing strangers took its toll, but the chin beard/goatee stayed on really well. Even giving it a yank before taking it off only took about half off.
The Mastix remover was equally harsh and stunk like nail polish remover but it worked a treat to get it off. As a minor test of how it worked, I was pleased with the result overall.
Verdict: not for those of a sensitive nature but excellent hold and looked real enough to fool people into thinking I'd chopped off bits of my real hair for use.
Can't wait to try it again and I'm hoping a thicker layer of makeup will help provide more of a barrier to reduce the lightly burning sensation!
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